Shoulder Surgery

The last time you raised your arms above your head, did you think about the role your shoulders play in that movement? The shoulders have the greatest range of motion of all joints in the body, providing you with the ability to freely move your arms.  

When a shoulder joint becomes damaged in some way, though, it can significantly diminish your range of motion, causing the shoulder to become unstable.  

If you’re experiencing pain or other symptoms related to one of your shoulders, the team of specialists at Northeast Georgia Physicians Group (NGPG) Orthopedic Surgery can diagnose the underlying cause and create a treatment plan to get you on the path to healing.  

What conditions affect the shoulders?

The shoulder joints serve as a connector for three bones: the collarbone, the shoulder blade and the upper arm bone. There are actually two shoulder joints in each arm—the acromioclavicular joint, which connects the shoulder blade and collarbone and the glenohumeral joint, which connects the upper arm bone to the shoulder blade.  

These bones are kept in place by cartilage, muscles, tendons and ligaments. The shoulder joints also include bursae, which are fluid-filled sacs and synovium, which is a lubricating fluid. 

Any of those components can be damaged by an acute injury, such as what you’d experience in a fall or sports participation or by wear and tear after years of use. Shoulder conditions include: 

What causes shoulder injuries?

Shoulder injuries are actually quite common due to the anatomy of the shoulder—the glenohumeral joint, in particular. The shoulder joint is a ball and socket joint, but the “ball” of the upper arm bone is larger than the “cup” (or socket) in the shoulder blade. This can lead to instability in the shoulder, which often causes injury. 

Causes of shoulder injuries include accidents at work or in sports participation, overuse at work or in other frequent activities or everyday wear and tear from simply being used.

What are common symptoms affecting the shoulders?

If you’re experiencing an injury or another condition affecting the shoulders, you’ll likely first notice that you can’t move your shoulder or arm normally. Other common symptoms include:

  • Cracking or creaking noises when the arm is rotated
  • Instability (sometimes accompanied by a feeling that your shoulder is popping out of place)
  • Pain, even when at rest
  • Reduced range of motion
  • Skin discoloration
  • Stiffness
  • Swelling
  • Weakness

How are shoulder conditions diagnosed?

A thorough physical examination is the first step in diagnosing a shoulder condition. During this exam, an orthopedic surgeon will talk with you about the symptoms you’re experiencing and pay close attention to how the shoulder is functioning. Other tests, including MRI or X-ray, may be used to confirm a diagnosis. 

How are shoulder conditions treated?

At NGPG Orthopedic Surgery, we offer comprehensive care for shoulder injuries, including both nonsurgical and surgical treatment. Treatment may include: 

Bracing or Stabilization
Rest is often helpful for alleviating shoulder discomfort. Bracing or other stabilization tools may be used to immobilize the shoulder, allowing it time to heal. 

In some cases, injecting medication directly into the shoulder can provide temporary or long-term relief from pain and improved mobility. We use ultrasound guidance during joint injections to ensure we accurately target the medication. 

Over the counter or prescription medications can be helpful for alleviating the symptoms of a shoulder injury. This includes pain relievers and anti-inflammatories. Anti-inflammatories, also called NSAIDs, can be particularly helpful since they reduce inflammation, which is the cause of many joint-related symptoms. 

Physical therapy
Many injuries affecting the shoulder are caused by instability in the supportive structure around the joint, including muscles. Physical therapy can help treat shoulder problems by strengthening the shoulder muscles, improving range of motion and teaching proper form for exercises and basic movements.  

Surgery may be recommended when a shoulder injury is severe or doesn’t respond to other treatment options. The specific type of surgery will vary depending on the injury, but specialists at NGPG Orthopedic Surgery perform many different procedures to repair damage in the shoulder, including: 

Depending on the procedure and other factors, surgery may be performed as an open procedure or using minimally invasive methods. 

Choose NGPG for shoulder treatment

The shoulders play an important role in helping us go about our daily lives. When they become damaged or unstable, it can be disruptive or even life-altering. If you’re experiencing shoulder-related pain or other symptoms, turn to NGPG Orthopedic Surgery

When surgery is required to treat a shoulder condition, we perform procedures in surgical suites at Northeast Georgia Medical Center, which are equipped with state-of-the-art technologies and imaging capabilities. Whenever possible, we offer our patients access to minimally invasive surgery providing many benefits, including a quicker recovery, a lower risk of complications and less pain.