Knee Replacement Surgery

Like the treads on a tire, joints simply wear out over time. Knee replacement surgery has a very high success rate, allowing patients to live more active lives with less or no pain. 

Conditions We Treat

Diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis can create knee problems which may necessitate replacement of the joint. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms it may be time to talk to your physician about your options:

  • Unable to sleep through the night because of knee pain
  • Knee pain which keeps you from daily activities
  • Pain which persists despite anti-inflammatory medications and maintaining a healthy weight
  • Occasional limited range of motion in your knee

Treatment Options

Partial Knee Replacement

The first partial knee replacement was performed more than 30 years ago and is performed routinely on more than 30,000 patients a year in the United States. We offer partial knee replacements at NGPG for patients that are an ideal candidate. What are the benefits and requirements for a partial knee replacement?

  • Keep up to 75% of your knee  
  • Smaller incision, less pain and faster recovery
  • Healthy bone, cartilage and ligaments will be preserved
  • If only the inner side (medial side) of your knee is damaged, a partial knee replacement may be right for you. 

Oxford Partial Knee Replacement

The Oxford® Partial Knee is the only fully mobile bearing partial knee system available in the United States.  It is specifically designed to replicate normal motion with movable plastic bearings with a free-floating nature.  Research indicates Oxford® Partial Knee patients are more satisfied with their ability to perform day to day activities than full knee replacement patients.  Oxford® Partial Knee patients also commonly report that their new knee “felt normal.”

Every Oxford® knee has an added bonus: personalized implant positioning. Called the Signature™ system, it allows NGPG’s certified orthopedic surgeons to use your specific anatomy when placing your partial knee replacement. Using MRI and patient-matched guides, the Signature™ system helps surgeons plan for the alignment of your Oxford® Partial Knee. It’s an approach unique to you.

Total Knee Replacement

If the knee joint is severely damaged in more than one compartment, your surgeon will recommend a total joint replacement. In a total joint repair, the bottom of your thigh bone is reshaped to accommodate a metal component to replace the end of your femur/thigh bone. The damaged part of your shin bone (tibia) and damaged cartilage are also cut away. The end of the tibia is also reshaped to receive a metal tibial replacement. A polyethylene insert is then attached to the tibial insert with a special bonding cement. This allows the femoral insert to glide on top of the tibia. A similar padding is added behind your knee cap to ensure that the new inserts move smoothly behind your knee cap.

Knee Replacement Rehabilitation

Following your surgery, you will undergo physical therapy to begin a gradual return to normal activity. It’s important that you begin moving around as soon as possible after your surgery, and your physical therapist will work with you so you can do that safely. You’ll be standing within the first 24-hours and doing limited walking. Your therapist will help you maneuver stairs using assistance devices and give you guidance on how you can expect to progress in the following weeks. Every patient is unique, but most patients have noticed significant reduction in pain and increased mobility during the first month; and within a year, most are operating at 100% of previous functioning.