What exactly is a midwife?
Midwife literally means “with women” and as such, midwives have been with women during labor and birth in America since the 1700’s. Midwives provide assurance, support the mother during labor and offer skilled, caring hands to help guide baby’s transition into the world.
Click here to view our midwives.

What do midwives do?
As certified healthcare providers, Certified Nurse Midwives (CNM) are trained and licensed in both nursing and midwifery. As experts in midwifery and well woman care, midwives perform annual GYN physical exams, prescribe medications, offer counsel and advice on relevant screenings and provide routine prenatal and pregnancy care.
Despite popular belief, using a midwife during labor and birth does not necessarily mean “natural childbirth.” Pain relief medications and physicians may very well be present during a midwife assisted birth. The desire and role of a midwife is to help women birth confidently and comfortably, that can include the use of pain relief medications and other medical interventions.
Our Certified Nurse Midwives are available in all of our office locations and help women birth their babies at NGMC Gainesville.
What can I expect from my midwife?
A partner in health
In today’s world patients expect the best care, which is why a midwife’s approach to women’s health has never been more important. Women need a provider who understands and values individual needs and is willing to partner in order to make informed healthcare decisions.
While midwives do provide personalized and attentive care during pregnancy and childbirth by encouraging questions, providing education and engaging in-depth dialog, many midwives focus on more than maternity care. CNM’s are independent healthcare providers, offering care to a range of health related needs throughout life. From the beginning of menstruation until after menopause, and all the important health events in between, a CNM works in tandem with other members of your healthcare team – physicians, nurses and physician assistants – to ensure you are receiving the highest quality of care.
During childbirth, it is important to note that since it is impossible to accurately predict the course of labor or how the baby will respond, midwives are trained to recognize complications and refer to the appropriate physician, when necessary, for any medical interventions, including a Cesarean section.
Personal attention
We listen to women. Midwives are trained in more than medical care, they are also equipped with tools to provide personalized attention to the physical and emotional challenges that come with womanhood, childbirth and becoming a mother.
Is a midwife covered by insurance?
Since a midwife is a healthcare professional, care is covered by most insurance carriers. Our office will help determine your exact insurance coverage.
Featured Videos
Our providers are excited to share some helpful information with you about where you are in your pregnancy journey. Take a moment and watch below!
Lauren Woody, CNM
NGPG Midwife
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