Start your weight loss journey today

Your first step is to participate in a free, no-obligation seminar to learn more about obesity and the available treatment options. The seminar is available on our website once you complete the steps outlined below. Our team is devoted to ensuring patients are well-informed as it is important in successful long-term weight loss.

We ask that prospective patients please contact their insurance company to determine if Bariatrics is a covered benefit under their current policy and if there is a requirement for medically supervised weight management.

What’s ahead of me?

The length of time spent in the program is determined by your insurance and the surgeon. The typical time frame is 3-6 months. Here are some initial steps you’ll take to get started:

Step 1: Watch our Bariatric Seminar

The Bariatric Seminar is a requirement for everyone entering the program. The information presented will help you understand the impact of morbid obesity on your body and how losing significant weight can improve your overall health and wellbeing. The seminar also reviews contemporary surgical treatment so you can understand your options before your first appointment.

In-person sessions are offered for patients who are unable to connect online or prefer to attend in person. Sessions are scheduled at NGMC Braselton or Gainesville campus, based on availability.  


Who hosts the in-person meeting?
Our NGPG Bariatric Coordinator

How many people generally attend?
It varies at every meeting, but generally 2-10 people are in attendance

How long is the In-Person seminar?
Approximately 1 hour

Can I bring my kids or spouse?
You are welcome to bring a spouse or another person for support. Please do not bring children to this seminar.

Step 2: Attend our Jump Start Class

Once step one is completed and benefits are verified, patients will be contacted to schedule a time to attend the Jump Start class along with their consultation with the surgeon and dietitian. In Jump Start, we’ll introduce you to our team, walk through the program and dietary requirements, and talk about the resources and benefits to you throughout your journey.


Who teaches the class?
In-person classes are lead by one of our team members, our NGPG Bariatric Coordinator, Program Specialist or BMI Dietitian.

Where is the class held?
The class is offered both in Gainesville and Braselton.

What is the classroom setting like?
This is a standard conference room with a table and chairs.

How long is the class?
Approximately 3 hours

Should I bring supplies?
No – supplies are not needed. Pens will be provided.

Can I bring my kids or spouse?
You are welcome to bring a spouse or another person for support. Please do not bring children to this class.

Step 3: Your Consultation Appointment

Consultations are scheduled to coordinate with patients’ Jump Start class time, if schedules allow. At your consultation appointment, you will meet with the surgeon to discuss your situation, allowing you to ask questions directly with the surgeon. You will also meet with the dietitian and discuss your current nutritional status.


How long is this appointment?
This appointment will be about 1 hour. You will meet with the surgeon and dietitian for approximately 30 minutes each.

What kinds of questions will they ask me?
Topics discussed include your medical history, weight loss history, programs attended, and nutritional status.

Do I need to fill out paperwork beforehand?
Yes. Please complete the New Patient packet in its entirety before your appointment.

What should I bring with me?
Please bring the New Patient paperwork, as well as a pen and paper should you decide to take notes.

Step 4: Clearances & Approvals

Patients may require clearances documenting whether or not the specialist deems patient is fit for surgery. Possible clearance and approvals needed prior to surgery include:

  • Primary Care Clearance Letter
  • Letter of Understanding and Letter of Support
  • Psychological Evaluation
  • Endoscopy
  • RUQ Ultrasound
  • Sleep Apnea Study
  • Cardiology
  • Endocrinologist

Any additional clearances for insurance approval will be discussed at your consultation with the surgeon.


What happens after clearance?
The clearance letter is added to all the other paperwork that is needed for surgery submission.

What does this mean for my weight loss journey?
You are one step closer to being submitted and receiving a surgery date!